Monika Bravo I AM OPtimist
I AM OPTimist
Sound is the gateway

Sound is the gateway

Tune in re—alignment

Transcript: (Ai generated): Meditative Practices and Consciousness Shifts (00:00:52 - 00:01:33):
I talk about engaging in deep meditations to access other states of consciousness. These practices have led to a life unfolding without pressure, stress, anxiety, or fear. If you're interested in connecting to these states, reach out to me.

  • Authenticity in Relationships (00:01:48 - 00:02:28):
    I emphasize the importance of maintaining authenticity in relationships. Compromising one's true self can lead to living with unmet expectations and disappointment. Relationships should be based on mutual accountability and self-responsibility, which may seem transactional but is crucial for genuine connection.

  • Astrological Influences and Energies (00:02:44 - 00:04:44):
    I reflect on current astrological transits, such as the moon's position between Mars and Jupiter and its squares with Saturn and Venus, and how these cosmic events impact personal and collective energies. I encourage using these energies constructively to align with one's true purpose and prepare for the future.

  • Sound and Healing (00:03:31 - 00:04:09):
    I highlight sound as a powerful tool for healing and supporting the body's electromagnetic field. I share personal experiences with sound therapy, especially in aiding my mother's communication after a stroke, and how sound can influence our emotional and energetic states.

  • Personal Sovereignty and Societal Awareness (00:04:47 - 00:08:13):
    I discuss the importance of personal sovereignty and awareness amid increasing societal control and censorship. I encourage elevating consciousness, aligning with higher frequencies, and focusing on practical solutions to navigate societal challenges. I stress the significance of individual responsibility and the potential impact of our actions on shaping the future.

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Monika Bravo I AM OPtimist
I AM OPTimist
I create meaningful content that integrates #Evolutionaryastrology #Humandesign, #Jungian #shadowwork #somaticpractice #polyvagal toning, #taoist #iching etc.
In summary the synthesis of a long period of time investing in multiple languages/ tools for the alignment of my soul with source.
By creating a specific intention of sharing this content, I am stepping into a new horizon, a platform where I am willing to grow.
I write and record myself almost daily, self inquiry is second nature with a prominent Pluto placement (8th house, moon Scorpio at the MC, ruler of my north node in cancer 5th house).
As a multidisciplinary Artist, I feel confident sharing content both in animated language and in written form, yet as in life, it is work in progress…
My Writings are published every Friday they can be read either in medium or substack please subscribe if you fancy my content, most of all I am of service, and joy is my motivation.
I encourage you to find the proper authentic language to practice and share your journey within your community, my intention is to inspire other beings to be authentic.