Monika Bravo I AM OPtimist
I AM OPTimist
Mother, where art thou?

Mother, where art thou?

My heart resides in the kingdom of the divine.

Since my mother passed a year ago, my relationship with her has taken on a new, deeper form. There's a presence I feel every day, one that has shifted how I understand love and my connection to something greater. In moments of quiet reflection and meditation, I find myself guided, sometimes unexpectedly, by a wisdom that feels familiar. It's a connection that's hard to explain but impossible to ignore, and it lingers, shaping my path in ways that aren't always clear but always felt. Humor remains a thread between us, weaving through the memories, keeping her close in ways words can’t fully capture. This is what I talk about in the audio.

It's humbling to think of my mom as a child, especially when looking at her as the youngest in a picture. I wonder what thoughts or feelings passed through her young mind—was she filled with curiosity about the world around her, or maybe she was experiencing a moment of innocence and joy, unaware of the life that would unfold before her? Perhaps she felt a sense of wonder, or even a little mischief, as children often do. Whatever it was, there was a mystery at that moment, a glimpse of her before time shaped her into the devoted mother I came to know and love.

Have a great weekend, I hope you are making good use of the energy!

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Monika Bravo I AM OPtimist
I AM OPTimist
I create meaningful content that integrates #Evolutionaryastrology #Humandesign, #Jungian #shadowwork #somaticpractice #polyvagal toning, #taoist #iching etc.
In summary the synthesis of a long period of time investing in multiple languages/ tools for the alignment of my soul with source.
By creating a specific intention of sharing this content, I am stepping into a new horizon, a platform where I am willing to grow.
I write and record myself almost daily, self inquiry is second nature with a prominent Pluto placement (8th house, moon Scorpio at the MC, ruler of my north node in cancer 5th house).
As a multidisciplinary Artist, I feel confident sharing content both in animated language and in written form, yet as in life, it is work in progress…
My Writings are published every Friday they can be read either in medium or substack please subscribe if you fancy my content, most of all I am of service, and joy is my motivation.
I encourage you to find the proper authentic language to practice and share your journey within your community, my intention is to inspire other beings to be authentic.